
Friday, March 25, 2011

7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 1)


I just finished watching the first season of Downtown Abbey. If you like miniseries done in the tradition of BBC's Pride and Predjudice you'll enjoy this! It is not for younger audiences, it's a little more adult than the softer renditions of Jane Austin novels! :)

If you want a kid-friendly series watch Avatar: The Last Airbender NOW. I mean it. It rocked my world and it will rock yours.

The best article I've read about sexuality in the last few months can be found here. And yes, a seventeen year old wrote this. Puts my teenage thoughts to shame.

I devoured this book in a couple of days. Whether you're single, in a relationship, confused or on the straight and narrow path this book is a fantastic read for any young woman. I ordered some in bulk so if you want one just send me a message and I'll send it to you by snail mail or by visiting you at your house! (I mean if you live close by and I've seen your face at least once).


If you are going to Mass and you are any of these things: confused, bored, doubting the miracle occurring before your very eyes, read this:

I just finished Luci (a character I'm developing) in her winter outfit! :D


Visit Jennifer Fulwiler @


  1. Fabi!
    Couple things.
    1. Thanks for the nod!
    2. I've been thinking about your combox request for a while, and am currently constructing a post entitled "A Defense of Liturgy", by which I mean my chalkboard is full of clever things I've thought about liturgy, that may very well make it onto BadCatholic within the week.
    3. This blog is aaaawesome, very neatly done. I think I shall promote you.

    God Bless!

  2. Fabi! Yay for lists of excellent things. I can't wait to have some time to take a deeper look.
    And I comment because I just must say:
    I love Luci's winter outfit-- she looks like a chic egg! Was this intentional? Because that has theological implications, if you start thinking about the winter of the soul... :0)
    love you!
